Immersive installation Magenta Moon Garden – a playful approach to future education.
A virtual journey, we developed with flora&faunavisions in Berlin. We programmed an immersive playful space in times of covid, with a no touch concept.
Designed to spark conversation around sustainability, tech and media skills in a playful and intuitive way, this interactive, walkthrough video installation comprises three distinct visual environments (Sunrise Garden, Moon Garden, Magenta Moon) enriched with intuitive, interactive real-time elements. The stunning environment and experience is flanked by online contents and events that tackle topics from hate speech to climate change, flanked by a wide spectrum of online contents, talks and on-site workshops.
Concept & Lead
flora&faunavisions GmbH
Software Development
Credits Magenta Moon Garden:
Client: Deutsche Telekom AG
Experience Concept, Multimedia Production, Interactive Media: flora&faunavisions GmbH, Berlin
Interactive Development & Programming: wirmachenbunt, Hamburg
Sound Design: Klangerfinder GmbH & Co KG, Stuttgart
Credits Magenta Moon:
Client: Deutsche Telekom AG
Design and Communication: Meiré und Meiré, Köln
Space Concept and Experience: flora&faunavisions GmbH, Berlin Programme: Yadastar, Köln/Berlin
Media: Mindshare, Frankfurt; emetriq, Hamburg
PR: Schröder+Schömbs PR, Berlin
Technics: AMBION GmbH, Kassel
Set construction: maedebach, Braunschweig