wirmachenbunt is a company specialized in creating interactive exhibits, immersive shows and motion graphics. Our playground is digital by nature, let it be interaction for tradeshows, the web or the transition between. We provide unique solutions incorporating our expertise in interaction design and software development. We create the tools, the toys and rock solid products.
We do
Augmented Reality
Immersive Shows
Interactive Exhibits
3D Visualization
Interface Design
Motion Design
Kinetic Installations
Generative Graphics
Mobile Apps
Custom Hardware Control
We are a company of same minded creatives, merging art with technology, interaction design with architecture, code with communication and strive for absolut quality and thoughtful design. We exists as a company since 2008. The name wirmachenbunt translates roughly to we (wir) + make (machen) + colorful (bunt).
Christian Engler
Barbara Engler
Thomas Gross
Nils Nahrwold

Unity & Unreal Game Engines
If we bring Augmented or Virtual Reality concepts to life, we utilize these two well known game engines. It's amazing how tools like these democratized the development of stunning realtime visuals. Unreal shines when it comes to interactive motion graphics with a high end polish, almost undistinguishable from offline renderings. And Unity is flexible and optimized to master the challenges of mobile presentations, VR and AR.
cables.gl - beautiful, interactive 3D content for the web
Love at first sight, since we started using cables, our passion for realtime web content keeps growing. Devices and browsers are immensly capable today, rendering the web very attractive for us realtime nerds. cables enables us to bring our experience in interaction, product visualization and edutainment to websites. The time is over for boring text-image-video layouts.

vvvv - hybrid visual/textual live-programming environment
Our go-to-tool for all sorts of ideas, let it be kinetic installations, light staging, touchscreen exhibits, data visualizations, exotic interfaces - you name it. With 20 years of experience, surely our native language.
Three.js and web technology
Web technology gets more and more important for interactive exhibits. This technology enables us to create multiplatform experiences since everything has a browser. Leveraging the big three.js community allows us to craft cutting-edge 3d graphics in combination with a content-management-system like kirby.
For fully integrated exhibit journeys, including complex content management and administration tools, easy deployment and low hardware requirements, web tech is the way to go.
Magenta Moon was honoured 2021 with the 3x Red Dot Award, 2x German Design Award, Brand Ex, IDA Design Award and FRAME Award
German Design Award 2019 - Mercedes-Benz Dialog-Plattform IAA 2017
Red Dot Communication Design Award 2017 in Interface & User Experience Design
ADC - Gold in "Kommunikation im Raum / Craft 2016
CANNES LIONS, - Silver for the overall Production 2016
German Design Award in Gold 2016
Red Dot: Junior Award 2014
ADC Award 2013 - Silber - Kommunikation im Raum
FAMAB Award - Silber - Best Thematic Exhibition
Red Dot Design Award - Winner 2013 – Communication Design

- "A Touch of Code" Gestalten Verlag
- "vvvvookサンプルパッチダウン"
- "Graphic Design Translated" Rockport Publishers
- "Prototyping Interfaces" Verlag Hermann Schmidt
- LE FIGARO - Meta Morphoses 16.November 2010